Looking For Leadership Slowly

Khameelah Roberts
6 min readSep 3, 2020

August 25th, 2020


Chapter 1

For the first Journal we are required to complete a Google search of a portrait of someone we don’t know. This was a bit hard for me personally because there were so many amazing portraits but I unfortunately knew a lot of the people, therefore my opinion would be quite biased. I did perhaps come across one photo that caught my attention. To me I find black and white photos to give off such a strong presence; they’re serious, capture emotion, and tell a story. With this portrait what caught my attention was her hair. Most likely its either white or blonde, either way it stands out and creates such a strong photo. The contrast that the hair has in her skin and captures the beauty in her skin. the colors are very different but compliment each other so well. I also noticed how sharp her eyes are. almost as if she’s looking through the lens and into your eyes. Some people may not know this but your mouth and cheeks aren’t the only part of you face capable to evoking emotions. your eyes play a big role as well. Have you ever heard of the phrase “Smile with your eyes”? well we are capable of expressing our emotions with our eyes as they show so much more than a color. her facial expression isn’t necessarily warm but it isn’t cold either. when I look at her I see someone who is gentle yet strong and compassionate. She seems like the type of person to take a risk, a dare devil. She doesn’t accept failure, she’s a hard worker, yet she’s extremely caring especially around those of whom she loves and cherishes. From this portrait I see a leader, I see someone who has a story to tell and i will share that story myself: I see a woman who grew up in an urban city, a young woman who has seen it all who has been through trials and tribulations. juggling high school, working to pay for college, applying for scholarships in her free time, she graduated by the skin of her teeth. After graduating high school, she decided to stay in her hometown and help high school students with their trials and tribulations. Her goal is to open a center for high school students. a place that will supply part time jobs, books, scholarship assistance, and even a place for teens to hang out to prevent getting tangled into the dangers of her city. she wants to lead and guide these students into the right direction, help them with their goals. she knows that he prescience in her hometown will have an impact and positively change the students’ futures. where their dreams aren’t just dreams they’re actually attainable now; within their reach. One thing I know she would be an amazing advocate for is stricter gun laws. Our country has dealt with immense repercussions from firearms, some of which have taken place in her hometown. Innocent children loosing their lives to gun violence, not being able to make it out of their teens, and see the world. she wants them to go beyond their city, to learn about life, the little things like being able to pump gas in your car after you get your license or going to their first college party, she feels that these opportunities are being taken away from them over something that can be and should be controlled. she feels that she has a safe haven that she’s built from the ground up for kids to feel safe at, but she can’t protect them from what occurs on the outside, she’s not in control and neither are those kids. someone needs to stand up for them and fight for what they and this country deserves.

ANTIQUITY PHOTO: Keep your head up high, keep your eyes open and bold, lead and be an advoate for those who cant advoacte for themselves.

I believe I’m more than capable of exuding the same leadership as she did. I feel like its important to speak up for those who can’t speak up for themselves. we shouldn’t always put ourselves first, that is what a leader sometimes does: puts others needs before their own. I will say I would find it a bit difficult fighting for stricter gun laws, out government is pretty strict and it would take a lot of fighting to make that change that has been long overdue for over a decade. I’m very much like her in just caring for others. its rare these days to find people who don’t just care about themselves. we live in a capitalist country so handouts are more so seen as giving them a head start in an imaginary race, its an issue that should breakdown, there’s no shame in helping others, its what I love to do. I can definitely see myself practicing what I preach a bit more, I do help others but its more so when I can, I want to be able to help others and not have it be a task but more so a necessity, like how we need to brush our teeth every day. I will implement little changes in my life that can contribute to a big difference in someone else’s.


August 27th, 2020


Chapter 2

I choose Martin Luther King Jr. My reason for this being that during a time period that was so violent, King choose to lead with peace. During this time there was gruesome rioting, looting and so many different ways to express your outrage for the injustice. The world was unfair, and still is today, I know for a fact that it couldn’t have been easy to remain peaceful and not give into the violence being evoked at them during this time. But that just shows the impact of King. He showed his companions that violence isn’t the only answer, he showed them that there are different ways to get your point across. No matter the torture they endured from peaceful protesting, they never gave in and they stayed strong and kept their ground. All with the help from an amazing leader, who stood his ground and kept his word.

Not everyone is fit to be a leader, but those who are contain certain characteristics that give them the ability to lead and influence others in a positive light. Some of which would include: Communication: you can’t be a leader and not take in what your peers are expressing, apart of being a leader includes working with your peers, instead of commanding what to do. A leader takes in valuable information and works alongside with their peers to help implement the good ideas. Humility: In order for one to influence others, they must evoke a certain amount of humility. A person who possesses this trait will influence others to be better. Seeing someone remain humble and put others before themselves will give others a different outlook on life; notifying them that we should be selfless and treat people with the upmost respect. This will allow them view what it truly means to lead and possess leadership qualities. Personally I would “giving the mentee a clear and specific set of instructions to effectively carry out the behaviors that are necessary for their leadership development” my reason for this being that if I’m mentoring someone that most likely means that I see a lot of myself in them, therefore I would know how to assess certain situations that I myself may have found myself stuck in once before. now this may not work every single time because we all have our own unique situations that differ from others. A few people do come to mind when I think of unlocking your full potential, I do think my advice or guidance can help them in certain aspects, just like someone else could help me with other aspects. I believe that we are all strong and weak in some areas and with everyone helping others we can all become stronger individuals. Like the title of this chapter, we all have potential whether we realize it our not. one person’s struggles can be another person’s strength an vice versa, we use that to our advantage and help each other out to unlock our full potential.

